Hmmm.... So now I have a blog... how 'bout that?
I'll be honest. I'm a total food junkie. With an insatiable hunger to know, talk and think about everything food, I have finally decided to put all of my previously wasted energy into a product that, hey, maybe one day someone will want to read!
Currently a school teacher, I'm one of those who, within an hour of talking to me for the first time, most people comment something like "So, you're really into food, huh?" I'm one of those who ALWAYS wanted to be a cook, but somewhere along the way decided working conditions would be more important than passion for my job in the long run. And, to a certain extent, this all does still apply. But 15 years later, the itch still needs to be scratched, and I'm excited to start this new project that will let me share my ideas with the World!~ Or at least a very tiny part of it...
So I begin this venture into the world of sandwiches. Where it will take me, who knows... So far, a Sandwich of the Week, and occasional posts of my thoughts on different products, shows, and other foodie news.
Hi Kim, I look forward to reading your blog! I think it's even better reading blogs when you actually know the person writing them. I love food too! :)