Friday, 25 February 2011

The Best of The Best

Growing up, one of the first jobs I ever had, and maybe what could have been the beginning of my deep rooted sandwich obsession, was working in an Italian sandwich shop for the summer. The best part of the job was that my excellent bosses let us have as many free sandwiches as we wanted, and boy, after eating them every single day for a whole summer, never once did I say, "Hmm... I think I'll having something OTHER than a sandwich today..." Think panninis made with olive bread, cheese bread, herbs and sundried tomatoes... not to mention the most amazing marinated vegetables I've ever had.

That place was awesome, and I would have only ever given it the greatest of reviews, other than maybe the time I had to give my boss Hell for picking up a sandwich off the floor and trying to stick it back into the basket for sale.... Sadly (and I hope not for the bad Karma from trying to sell dirty sandwiches) the restaurant is closed... But in retrospect, it sure was one heck of a place.

This section of The Sandwich Press is dedicated to reviews of various restaurants known to have THE best sandwiches. Reviews are categorized by places I've actually gone to and experienced sandwich heaven (or hell) first hand, and reviews according to others, including info I compile myself. Because of where I happen to live, the majority of my personal experiences will be from provinces and states like Quebec, Ontario, New York and Massechusetts.

If you've been to a place with sandwiches that are tried and true for you, I'd love to hear about them. You can send your questions, comments and reviews to .

1 comment:

  1. [...] on a recent weekend excursion to Bean Town, thanks to the likes of the great Guy Fieri’s Diners, Drive-Inns and Dives. It’s become a new obsession of mine to try and track down places he’s been to whenever [...]


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